12 MIN READ | Heads Up Guys

Educational Module Builder

Designing a tool to build educational mental health modules

Product thinking
User Interviews
Interaction Design
Visual Design
2 Designers
2 Product Managers
8 Developers
1 Project Lead
May 2021 to
January 2022
(In Progress)
Heads Up Guys (HUG) is an academically backed online service that supports men in their fight against depression by providing tips, tools, resources, and stories of success.

UW Blueprint has partnered with Heads Up Guys to help them increase user retention and website interactivity.

I am collaborating with a designer, technical project lead, 2 PMs, and 8 developers to deliver the solution. As a designer, I work on user interviews, wire framing, and visual design.


HUG website traffic is high however, they are struggling to maintain a consistent user base.


According to analytics provided by HUG, there are two primary issues that are contributing to low user retention:
  1. Boring, non-interactive learning methods.
  2. Lack of new content to keep users engaged.
HUG website traffic is high however, they are struggling to maintain a consistent user base.


Business Goals

  1. Increase user retention and return rate on the HUG website
  2. Diversify web traffic by supporting other visitors seeking information on how to help a man they are concerned about through resource provision
  3. Support men seeking personal mental health guidance by providing an interactive depression education experience

Our Goal

Enable HUG to create interactive content for their website easily and independently

Design Challenge

How might we create a tool that enables HUG to create interactive content which will support men seeking mental health resources and increase online user retention?

Our Solution

HUG took the responsibility of collecting analytics and quantitative data to ideate features that address their needs.

The proposed solution is a series of interactive educational modules for end-users to be created by the HUG admin.

Our job was to bring their vision to life by creating a no-code platform for HUG admin to create interactive modules for their end-users.
Feature #1

Module Builder

A no-code environment for HUG admin to create, modify, and delete interactive educational slides.
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Feature #2

Tool Builder

A no-code environment for HUG admin to create a Tool landing page.
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design process
To guide design decisions, we established 4 design principles:

Design Principles

1. Mobile first design

Mobile users make up the majority of HUG’s website traffic, so keeping them at the forefront of design considerations is our priority.

2. Balance creative freedom and practicality

Give the administrators freedom over how end-user facing content looks and feels without sacrificing responsiveness.

3. Seamless integration

The new features should look like HUG’s current website.

4. Dev-friendly designs

The designs should work within the developer skill set and Chakra-UI front-end framework.


Must adhere to HUG branding
End-user facing components must be responsive, 80% of HUG’s end-users are mobile-first
Must be technically feasible

Goal #1

How might we enable HUG to increase user engagement and education about mental health?

Brainstorming with Stakeholders

Based on the analytics provided by Heads Up Guys admin, we decided the best way to increase user engagement and education was by having interactive educational modules which educate men about mental health.
We began our design process by identifying the required features for the module builder.
We began our design process by identifying the required features for the module builder.

Ideating within Developer Constraints

Our original idea for the Module builder was to create a slideshow experience similar to Google Jamboard where users can design slides by drag + dropping elements such as text and images onto slides.
However, after consulting with the Project Lead, we received the following feedback:


Developer Constraint

It is not technically feasible to implement drag + drop functionality.



It is not possible to create responsive slides and give HUG admin freedom over slide layout.
After receiving this feedback from developers we asked ourselves:

How can users add elements to a slide without drag + drop functionality? And how can we create responsive slides?

Since we were back to square one and unfamiliar with the product space we conducted market research to learn about how to better design this experience.

Market Research

We were specifically interested in finding alternatives to drag + drop in a presentation workspace. Some products we looked at were Powerpoint, Canva, and Copysmith AI.
🔑 Key findings:
  1. Split-screen editing formats are used in with drag + drop.
  2. Pre-made layouts are used to make editing slides faster for users.


Based on our research, our plan was to create a split-screen tool that uses pre-made layouts to give HUG admin creative freedom over the module slides.

Our job was to create a tool that enables HUG admin to create, modify, and delete education modules for their users.

Collecting User Feedback

We presented the low-fidelity mockups to the clients (HUG admin) to get early feedback. Here’s what they had to say:


Not Flexible

Pre-made layouts lets HUG admin place information creatively, however it restricts how much information can be put on each slide.


Responsive Preview

HUG admin appreciated being able to preview how module slides look for both mobile and desktop users.


Easy to Use

HUG admin felt that the module builder was intuitive to use, all of the features were easy to understand.

Key Findings

HUG Admin prioritize control of the amount of information they could add, they cared less about how the information was presented (visually).
🔑 Key findings:
  1. Split-screen editing formats are used in with drag + drop.
  2. Pre-made layouts are used to make editing slides faster for users.

High-fidelity Prototype

For our next design, we kept the editing experience the same and focused on a different way of adding information.

Our Solution

Why We Chose This Design

Content flexibility: users are able to add or delete content sections without restrictions.

Clear and editing experience: We kept the same split-view editing experience because users responded positively to it.


Layout flexibility: all content will be vertically aligned. HUG admin will not have the ability to use different layouts for each slide. However, having a uniform layout will create a cohesive UI for end users.

Goal #2

How might we enable HUG in providing online resources for their users?
After conducting scoping meetings with the HUG admin, we concluded that the best way for HUG to provide more online resources is by creating a digital “Toolkit” for users that provides educational resources to learn more about different mental health problems or skills.

Our job was to design a Tool builder for HUG admin so that they can create tools for their end-users.

Understanding Requirements

The purpose of the tool page is to give end users an overview of the mental health problem or skill they wish to learn more about.

When creating the tool page, our users have a lot of required information they need to input into the tool builder:
📍 Title
📍 Tool description
📍 External resources
📍 Page Thumbnail
📍 Education module
📍 Additional tools
📍 Intro Video
📍 Related resources
📍 Self-check

User Flow

To map out how each required information will fit into the designs we created a user flow:

Iteration #1: Fulfilling Requirements

Since are so many fields for the HUG admin to fill out, we decided to design the tool builder as a form to create an organized and familiar experience for HUG admin.

Our goal for the first iteration was to fit the large number of requirements listed above.

Internal Stakeholder Feedback

We gathered early feedback by presenting the first iteration designs to our two PMs. Here’s what they had to say:


Too much information

There were a lot of fields to fill out which felt quite overwhelming and crowded.


No preview = Low confidence

Since there is no preview for how this page will look, there is an element of uncertainty when publishing the tool page.

Iteration #:2 Reducing Information Overload and Building Confidence

Design Decisions

Once again, we presented our designs internally, to the PMs and the technical project lead. We convinced them of the design changes with the following design decisions:

1. Separate Tool Page builder and Self Check Builder

We decided to separate the self-check builder from the rest of the tool builder to reduce information overload.

2. Built-in Preview to build user confidence

We created a built-in preview by arranging the fields into the same format as they appear to end-users on the Tool page.

Iteration #3: Creating flexibility in the Self-check Builder

For the third iteration of our designs, our goal was to make the self-check builder more flexible by allowing users to rearrange the order of questions. A technical constraint we had to keep in mind when designing was: no drag + drop.

Conducting User Feedback to Finalize Designs

Because each iteration was pretty balanced in pros and cons, we decided to conduct user testing with HUG admin to see which solution fits best with their mental model.

To test, we presented each design to the user and prompted them to walk through how they would use each prototype to re-arrange question order.

Our Solution

Next Steps and Key Takeaways

Next Steps

→ Gamifying the Educational Modules

To increase the interactivity of the educational modules (studies have shown the effectiveness of gamification in education).

→ Adding insights to dashboard

Adding the ability for HUG Admin to view the data collected by interactive components of the educational modules and self-check

→ Beta testing and tweaking Builder and Dashboard

HUG admin has an opportunity to use the tools we created these past 4 months and report back any friction they notice for us to fix

What I Learned

Working with vision-driven stakeholders

Understand Why not: Knowing why a problem occurs is more valuable than what the user believes the solution should be
Present with Design Rationale: All design decisions should have a reason, and it’s important to communicate them to stakeholders.

Internal Testing is Gold

We tested our designs with internal stakeholders such as our PMs and technical lead. This helped us (1) save time by iterating on designs early and (2) reducing client workload.

Developers are the best at design QA

Developers are the kings (and queens) of finding edge cases and showing them our designs early in the design process.
Thanks for dropping by, want to talk over coffee?

Email me at pywang9830@gmail
or, message me on Linkedin.